Mentor Mentee Program

The Mentor-Mentee Program is an initiative aimed at fostering meaningful connections within our community.

The program is designed as a voluntary participation program for professional growth.

KOJAIN will play the role of a facilitator in making connections between Mentors and Mentees.

Mentors and Mentees will engage in regular interactions and work towards defining goals and achieving milestones.

MMP Milestones:
● Introduction Meeting: An initial meeting to get acquainted, share background and set preferences on interaction methods.
● Goal setting: Jointly set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound) goals to be achieved during the mentorship program
● Regular Check-ins: Regular meetings to track progress and address any challenges.
● Mid-Program check-point: A comprehensive review to assess achievements, adjust goals if needed, and plan for the remainder of the program.
● Final review: Members can share their accomplishments and reflect on the overall experience back to KOJAIN MMP team.

* * * Mentor Guidelines * * *

Eligibility to be a Mentor 
● 5+ years of professional experience
● Commitment of time to guide and coach your mentee.
● Is registered in the KOJAIN Directory.

Mentor Responsibilities:
● Provide guidance, advice, and insights based on your experience.
● Set clear expectations and help mentees define and achieve their goals.
● Commit to regular meetings and communication through the year.

Benefits for Mentors:
● An opportunity to enhance leadership and coaching skills.
● Personal satisfaction from contributing to the growth of a fellow community member.
● Expand your professional network and meet other mentors through the program.

* * * Mentee Guidelines * * *

Eligibility to be a Mentee 
● A working professional with growth mindset and a strong desire to advance career.
● Is registered in the KOJAIN Directory.

Mentee Responsibilities:
● Be engaged and proactive in all communications with your mentor.
● Clearly define your development goals and work diligently towards achieving them.
● Maintain open communication with your mentor, including timely updates and feedback.

Benefits for Mentee:
● Receive personalized advice from experienced professionals and build life-long relationships.
● Expand your professional network.
● Develop key professional skills including goal setting, strategic planning, and communication.

* * * Program Stages * * *

● Interested Mentors and Mentees will enroll in the program.
● The MMP team will run an optimized match process based on industry, geography, function and other criteria.
● MMP team will provide match details to each Mentor and Mentee pair.
● Mentee must make contact with the Mentor and work out a mutually acceptable time slot for introductions and to learn about each other.
● From then onwards the Mentor-Mentee will continue with their engagement and continue to make progress.

To become a mentor, please fill out the Mentor Enrollment Form 

To participate as a mentee, please fill out the Mentee Enrollment Form

For MMP program FAQ, click here

If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out to MMP Team at