
KOJAIN Newsletter is one wonderful way of communicating within our community and sharing news and events. It is published on a quarterly basis and is available on the website as well as sent out via email blasts.

Find the latest Newsletter here

Please send the regional news from your area to

Examples of the news items are given below:

· An Event, Occasion, or an Incident that is of interest to all
· Names of young adults who have been graduated from universities
· Outstanding Educational Achievements
· Outstanding Cultural Achievements
· Marriage or Engagement Announcement/Event
· Silver/Golden Wedding Anniversary event
· Any unfortunate sad event
· Any special event like a birth of a child


  1. Do not include pictures that are published in professional newspapers or elsewhere on the internet
  2. Keep the content precise and include few pictures. If you plan to use multiple pictures, then share a collage of images.
  3. KOJAIN reserves the right to edit the submitted news item to fit in the Newsletter